美國 愛達荷州州立大學 Idaho State University 數位課程設計 (餐飲廚藝課程設計) 博士
美國 愛達荷州州立大學 Idaho State University 人力資源管理 碩士
台灣 輔仁大學 生活應用科學系 餐飲管理 學士
正修科技大學餐飲管理系 系主任
正修科技大學餐飲管理系 副教授
正修科技大學餐飲管理系 助理教授
國立高雄餐旅大學 西餐廚藝系 助理教授
愛達荷州州立大學 Idaho State University 研究助理
愛達荷州州立大學 Idaho State University 助教
台灣三皇三家國際事業股份有限公司 研發經理
外交部 駐史瓦濟蘭王國 特種顧問
媽媽塔食品股份有限公司 產品研發
輔仁大學 助教
◆ 彭肯瑞(KRIT SRIPORN) ; 蔡正發(CHENG-FA TSAI) ; 王寶惜(PAOHSI WANG). (2022). Analyzing Tourist Behavior in Virtual Museums Using Intelligent Approach with Feature Selection. 《Journal of Information Science and Engineering》, 38(3)
◆ Natinai Jinsakul, Cheng-Fa Tsai, and Paohsi Wang . (2021). Sentiment Level Evaluation of 3D Handicraft Products Application for Smartphones Usage. Electronics, 10(2):199()
◆ Wanida Khamprapai 、Cheng-Fa Tsai 、Paohsi Wang 、Chi-En Tsai . (2021). Multiple-Searching Genetic Algorithm for Whole Test Suites.. Electronics, 10(16)
◆ Wanida Khamprapai、Cheng-Fa Tsai 、Paohsi Wang 、Chi-En Tsai. (2021). Performance of Enhanced Multiple-Searching Genetic Algorithm for Test Case Generation in Software Testing. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 09(15)
◆ Natinai Jinsakul 、Cheng-Fa Tsai 、Paohsi Wang. (2021). Sentiment Level Evaluation of 3D Handicraft Products Application for Smartphones Usage. Electronics, 10(02)
◆ Wanida Khamprapai, Cheng-Fa Tsai , and Paohsi Wang . (2020). Analyzing the Performance of the Multiple-Searching Genetic Algorithm to Generate Test Cases. Applied sciences, 10(20),7264,1-16()
◆ Krit Sriporn, Cheng-Fa Tsai, Chia-En Tsai and Paohsi Wang . (2020). Analyzing Malaria Disease Using Effective Deep Learning Approach.. Diagnostics, 10(10), 744, 1-22.()
◆ Krit Sriporn, Cheng-Fa Tsai, Chia-En Tsai and Paohsi Wang . (2020). Analyzing Lung Disease Using Highly Effective Deep Learning Techniques.. Healthcare, 8(2), 107,1-27.()
◆ Wanida Khamprapai Cheng-Fa Tsai and Paohsi Wang . (2020/10/17). Analyzing the Performance of the Multiple-Searching Genetic Algorithm to Generate Test Cases. Applied sciences, 10(20)
◆ Neslter, V. & Wang, P. , . Why do riders ride? . The 6th Asia Pacific Alliance on Tourism and Hospitality Education & The 14th Annual Conference in Hospitality & Tourism
◆ Neslter, V. & Wang, P. , . Why do riders ride? . The 6th Asia Pacific Alliance on Tourism and Hospitality Education & The 14th Annual Conference in Hospitality & Tourism